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The NC16 First Light

Last update: june/2015

This page is under construction. I'm updating it while the telescope construction progreses.

The telescope was assembled on my office at home, where I could spend plenty of time fine tunning it. From the office I have access through a window to distant houses and mountains, which are usefull to check image quality during day light.

After assembling all the optical parts, I realize that there were two mistakes on the mechanical design: the first was the lack of proper baffling for the cassegrain part, and the second was too much stressing on the secondary mirror. I did two test using scrap material just to check if the lack of image contrast and sharpening was comming from this two issues.

The image below show the first image taken with the cassegrain setup. The image shows the field taken with a Takahashi FSQ105 with a Nikon DSLR camera (APS format). For resolution comparison I scaled the taka image six times, which will give the same image sampling as the cassegrain telescope. Even the image is not a star field, which should give the better peformance quality, it is quite useful.


This is an image taken with the 16" cassegrain configuration and a PL-16803 camera with the light filter. The image is only 1 second integration time just to have the image resolution without the air turtublence. The star on the bottom is Navi, from Cassiopea.



From may 2014 to march 2015 I have been working on a small building observatory. Here is the NC16 telescope with my lovely daughter Eulalia.

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